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Titel: Ragnvald Jarl
Skrivet av: Leif Tennare skrivet 2015-08-10, 13:42
Apropå ålänningars närvaro i 'Ryssland', så skriver Wladyslaw Duczko i boken 'Viking Rus'(2004):
s. 64: It was long before the Viking Age that people from central Sweden and the Åland Islands came through the Ladoga area to northeastern Europe and reached as far to the east as to Perm beyond the river Volga. These contacts were already in existence in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age...
s. 193: The items that appear neither on the Upper Dnieper or Volkhov but which are regularly found in the graves in Timerévo, and almost everywhere in the Jaroslavl area, are clay paws and rings. The paws, probably representing the paws of beaver, have for some time been recognised as ritual artefacts used on the Åland Islands, an archipelago between middle Sweden and Finland, and to some extent in the southern part of the Mälar Lake basin, since the early seventh century A.D.
s. 257: A different picture is provided by the archaeology of the territory between the upper Volga and Oka River. Across this large area were spread numerous setdements - more than 25 - established by Norsemen at the end of ninth century and in existence until the early eleventh century. The most characteristic elements in their material culture reveals that the Rus of this area were Svear from Middle Sweden and the Åland Islands and that their number was probably the largest in the East.  
[color=0000ff]För att återkomma till den mäktige Ragnvald, jarlars like, som fick det enorma förtroendet att följa - eller snarare föra Olof Skötkonungs dotter Ingegerd till storfursten Jaroslav den vise av Novgorod o Kiev, måste denne varit en hövding över en stor, stridsberedd, flotta med edsvuren bemanning, beredd att offra sitt och sina mannars liv för kungadottern. Detta förutsätter en mycket god kunskap om de farvatten de skulle passera, och vilka risker man kunde stöta på på vägen...
Jag är fullständigt övertygad om att man finner denne Ragnvald i farvattnen öster om folklanden - inte i Västergötland - och han kunde mycket väl haft sin bas på Åland.[/color]