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Titel: Porse
Skrivet av: M.Sjöström skrivet 2007-10-03, 17:39
dear Henrik,
In my experience, those who are knowledgeable of medieval Scandinavian genealogy, are more likely to frequent in this Swedish section Medeltiden, and only rare of them seem to read sections in English.
Such dynamics may have been in the mind of those who have authored the instructions.
I believe the quality of some answers is likely to be higher in the substantial section of the matter.
(of course, any meta-discussion tends to lower the overall quality.)
Moreover, it does very little good to duplicate any of these conversations to the section in English. Keeping discussions on a specific topic together, irrespective of language used in individual posts, serves to focus on the substance itself. Duplications are easier to avoid. And more of the relevant information will be in the future available at one spot, not at two separate spots.
Let us think about a scenario where a specific query about a detail of the Porse gets answered in the English section, not here.
It would there not be easily visible to those latecomers who read this thread here. And vice versa.
And if someone then remembers to write here a link to say that the detail has been asked and answered in the English section, such referral post takes almost as much space here as the original answer.
Then, possibly, a further discussion arises about that detail. Where would it be located? English section, because the original point is already there. Or here, because this deals with the substance about the Porse. Or divide ensuing posts in a way that those which are in Swedish, are here, and those in English, there. And some industrious persons laboriously write referral messages in both places to keep the discussion somehow together...