NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 13 november, 2008


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 13 november, 2008
Skrivet av: Thomas Börjesson skrivet 2008-11-05, 18:04
Hej Bo!
Steiners var tydligen några av de första som byggde upp Pateros;
Pateros was originally established as Ive's Landing in around 1896 by Lee Ives. Ives began farming the area near the confluence of the Methow and Columbia Rivers, with around 50 teepees of Native Americans and 20 Chinese miners also inhabiting the area. The first post office was built in 1895.
In 1900, Charles Nosler acquired most of the townsite. He renamed the town to Pateros, after a city in the Philippines he previously visited. In 1903, the city consisted of four commercial establishments and nine residences and the town was sold to J.C. Steiner. Steiner vigorously promoted the town, making Pateros the principal rail shipping point between Oroville and Wenatchee. Pateros was officially incorporated on May 1, 1913.