NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hur verifiera motstridiga uppgifter


Titel: Hur verifiera motstridiga uppgifter
Skrivet av: Gwen Stuler skrivet 2012-04-24, 19:10
Kristina 1:
Your suggestion about contacting the was great!  
They just e-mailed me back today with copy of the record for Andreas Strand, my great-grandfather.  Since you have the same type of documents for your grrandfather can I ask you to assist with some translations.  (I have a Swedish Genealogy Dictionary but doubt if it has military terms). It would help to know what the column headings mean or anything else you can tell me.  The archivist at riksarkivet said the roll was contained in Svea ingenjorregemente, 2 kompaniet D12:2.......I get the Household Exam records but nothing else.  Thanks again.