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Titel: Hur verifiera motstridiga uppgifter
Skrivet av: Gwen Stuler skrivet 2012-04-16, 01:38
I have a conflict with Swedish records I must clarify before breaking through my brick wall  My g-grandfather came to USA as Andrew O (Olsson) Strand.
The 1890 Census says that he was born 3 May 1858 in Hjortsberga Kronobergs lan. I searched 5 yrs of birth records for that Andreas (Andrew)born on that date or any date to an Olsson family. There was another Strand i this area but can make no connection at all.
Checked birth records for Hjortsberga Blekinge lan and found an Andreas born on that exact date to Ola Olsson. How do I reconcile this? Did transcribers for 1890 census just assume it was Kronosberg?  If I use this Andrew as being the right one, and I can find no connection to a Strand family must I then assume he picked the name Strand up as he went along to make things easier or himself more distinct?