NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 16 maj, 2012


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 16 maj, 2012
Skrivet av: Barry Hill skrivet 2012-05-15, 15:59
If you are interested in my rambling first thoughts: From the photo, film, and my google earth visit, Lysekil has no shortage of stone  This film also must be of a resort area or of a more rich section. As you can see from the letter my family was quite poor. This is just 5 years later and they all look very well off.  I was captivated by the clear close-up of faces wondering if any face in the crowd ever had a passing connection with my family.  Also it may have been a wide-spread style at the time rather than a Swedish thing but the caps that most of the boys and men wore reminds me so much of my great uncles who always wore them well into the 1970s. Another thing that seems a product of the time is attention to dress. Even though Alfred Carlson was a blacksmith for a coal mine company, even every home photo of him was with a suite and tie.
I have a burning question about everyone's ability here to write such perfect English.  Is this usual for Sweden or are those that have helped me exceptions to the general population?  Also, do you also speak English or have you only learned the written language?  It almost makes me want to apologize for not knowing Swedish.  
Thanks for the rich material.