NULL Skriv ut sidan - Carlson, Alfred W b1862 Sweden. Emigr ca 1883 - Swedish roots ?


Titel: Carlson, Alfred W b1862 Sweden. Emigr ca 1883 - Swedish roots ?
Skrivet av: Olle Kandell skrivet 2012-06-06, 12:06
Yes it is a reference to Slöta BI:4 In- och utflyttningslängd 1870-1889 = Moving in- & out records (Arkiv Digital).  
You can find Selma Elisabet in record #29 (in frame 80 or page 87) as in cut below.
(N.B. This book is combinated with the Wedding book for same period - starting from frame 83).
Sometimes appendices to the moving records can be found. Those documents showed a lot more information.
As far as I can see, there are not any for Slöta the actual period. You can find a sample for an earlier period
under Slöta HII:1 (1801-1868) further down in AD search index for Slöta.