NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 maj, 2012


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 maj, 2012
Skrivet av: Carl Wolf skrivet 2012-05-12, 21:13
Hi Barry, the record from 1915-30 that Olle found showed that Karl August Magnusson (born 20 Apr 1837) died 25 Feb 1922 in Lyse Parish and his wife Brita Stina Mattiasdotter (born 10 Oct 1840) died there as well on 19 Feb 1923.  You can request their bouppteckning (estate records) online from the State Archive at, you will want the Dödsbodelägarna/första sidan/sidorna visar dödsbodelägare or first page, which usually lists all of the deceased's children. Since your great-grandfather died in 1919 it might indicate they had a son in America who was deceased and list his heirs, thereby giving you some confirmation despite the change in name.  The State Archive webpage is in Swedish but you can open a page in Google and under More select Translate to copy/paste in and get (sometimes rough) translations of the Swedish words.  Fields with an * (asterisk) must be filled in, also there is a statement you must accept at the beginning about fees for research, sometimes though if the individual is listed in their index they will e-mail an image of the first page to you without any charge.