NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 maj, 2012


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 maj, 2012
Skrivet av: Mats Ahlgren skrivet 2012-05-12, 08:29
The information is from a CD called Emibas. Information is gathered, manually, from household recordsm so it is a second source and needs to be checked.
Mossagården is the farm/village, Slöta is the parish. Sweden do have two different ways of describing county. Län (Skaraborg) is an administrative creation and changes from time to time, Västergötland is n older form, and do not change.
Post 642189 is the identification number for the information in the data base.
Selma was the daughter of Adam Jonsson and Maja Lena Carlblom, and with the patronymic usage in Sweden youcan see the reason for Adamsson (could have been Adamsdotter, Adam's daughter as well). She could hav eused any of the names when entering US, father's surname Jonsson or Adamsson.