NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 29 april, 2005


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 29 april, 2005
Skrivet av: Chuck Maki skrivet 2005-04-28, 03:05
Hi Jan,
Swenson has microfilms that seem to come from those synods which formed up to eventually become the ELCA .  A Swedish-Finnish vicar and I put together a dbase of Finnish born people who were listed in churches in the counties of the upper peninsula of Michigan. I was quite surprised to find two lutheran churches which were of Finnish speaking Finns.  I have seen a variety of nationalities including Finns, Danes, and Norwegians in the Swedish language churches.  Swenson has no Norwegian films but I suspect you might be able to google and find the repository.  Finnish church records are mostly at the Finnish center at Finlandia U in Hancock, Michigan.  You can check that listing of Sask. church films that Swenson has and perhaps one or two of them might be worth looking at.