NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 29 april, 2005


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 29 april, 2005
Skrivet av: Olle Andersson skrivet 2005-04-21, 08:55
How nice to hear someone likes to see some classic swedish wild flowers! I dont know if these species are found in the US!?
I am doing a lot of scanning of old photos (incl. glass plates) for Nyeds Hembygdsförening and hope to put them on Internet so all who left the area may reflect back in time.  
Some are preliminary put on a server here:
The problem as usual beeing that few old photos are marked with name, place and date. Last tuesday we had a picture with coffee-meeting with some 25 older people attending where we showed scanned old pictures on a big screen and collected information.
But this is a theme for other fora, so this is my last entry here in this matter!
Hälsningar från Karlstad
Olof Olle Andersson
- there are hundreds of us in the church-books!