NULL Skriv ut sidan - 2030 West 111th Street, Chicago, Ill 60643


Titel: 2030 West 111th Street, Chicago, Ill 60643
Skrivet av: Anita Karlsson skrivet 2008-07-03, 15:58
Hej Elsie,
Nice to hear from you about that area. It was good to hear the description about Roseland from you.  
I have got an email from another woman and she send me some photos from both addresses. Wonderful! My mom and dad wrote letters to them during all the years, but they don´t know exactly when Gustaf died and nothing about his wife Lena´s death. Now I probably know Gustaf´s death with help from Margareta Johansson. It would be nice if we could find their children and grandchildren and go on writing to them.
Thank you so very much for contacting me.