NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hofer, Charles August b1843 Stockholm ? Emigr 1870 (approx)


Titel: Hofer, Charles August b1843 Stockholm ? Emigr 1870 (approx)
Skrivet av: Katrin Lundstedt-Enkel skrivet 2015-02-07, 11:03
See! Margareta was the expert here!!
I looked up Anders Petter Hofer and family on the page Margareta suggested, Hogstad AI:6 (1842-1848) page 23. One can do that as all Swedish church records etc are photographed and put on the interned by a company called Arkiv Digital. It cost a sum of Swedish Krona to access those images and I happen to be a subscriber. However, just for fun I took a screen shot of the family (that I can send to your e-mail, the Anbytarforum is only allowing pictures with 200 kb or less size and this is bigger) (totally free, I´m NOT doing this comercially, just to help!) if you want it?  
There in the church record the family is listed, with Carl August the youngest of a total of 6 children. The oldest child was Anders Petter Hofers' from an earlier marriage (it says to the right of the two pages mannens barn i förra giftet (the husbands child in the last marriage). The mother to the five last children (Johanna Andersdotter Öfverman) was just a month shy of 44 years old when she had Carl August. The mother was born 9th Oct 1799 and the father Anders Petter 29th June 1804. Just for the fun of it (again, what a nice morning!) I looked up the father, Anders Petter Hofer in the Swedish Centrala Soldatregistret (with a lot of the soldiers listed) and there he was. Born Anders Petter Andersson
I looked Anders Petter Andersson (later Hofer) up in the birth records (as it is listed in the church record that he was born 29th june 1804 in Hogstad parish). And there HE was! Anders Peter Andersson, with father Anders Andersson and mother Maria Abrahamsdotter. So my guess is that he recieved the name Hofer as a Soldiers Name.
If one read the entries in the church record there is a listing Moder Enkan Maja Abrahamsdotter born in Heda parish, first of March 1773 that are living with the family. So she would be the mother of Anders Petter Hofer. Enkan means that she is a widow so Anders Andersson is by the time of Carl Augusts birth dead.
A note about the changeable names... Peter/Petter, Maja/Maria... The priests at the time were quite creative with the spelling of a person´s name. So Per could be Per, Pehr, Peter, Petter depending on the mood of the priest.
Let me know if you want the pictures of the church records via e-mail
PS Margareta! How did you find Carl August Hofer? Is there a searchable data base for Östergötland? Or do you have him in your family tree? I´m curious as I have just gotten a son in law that I have started geneaology research about and most of his family is from Östergötland and Södermanland.