NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hofer, Charles August b1843 Stockholm ? Emigr 1870 (approx)


Titel: Hofer, Charles August b1843 Stockholm ? Emigr 1870 (approx)
Skrivet av: Katrin Lundstedt-Enkel skrivet 2015-02-06, 22:28
Well. Tricky...
1) As a start, Charles is not a Swedish name (and I´m sure some will protest and have a Charles in their Swedish ancestry but it is NOT common at all). Probably he was Karl August. Do you have any idea?
2) The surname might be something else as well. In 1843 the usual surname was the Patronymic.
Lets give you an example, a son of Per Eriksson was baptised Lars and then called Lars Persson (Lars, the son of Per), A daughter was baptized Ella Persdotter (Ella, the daughter of Per). Then if Lars Persson in his turn had a boy and was christening him to Anders, that boy´s full name would be Anders Larsson. This meant that each generation had a surname a Patronymic, after their fathers first name. However, in the 1800s it got more and more common that people just took a surname. They might be born as Per Eriksson that lived for instance in Hellefors and just took the name Per Hellefors. So, any idea what Charles August father was named? Or where the name Hofer came from?
3) Near Stockholm is a huge area. Do you have any records of what parish he came from? Maybe an address to a relative that stayed in Sweden?  
4) Passenger lists. There is a Karl Hofer arriving in New York 6th nov 1870 from Sweden. He was 24 years old, thus born ca 1846. Maybe not the right guy as your relative was 27 years old 1870 but still showing that a Swede could be named Karl Hofer...
5) As you might imagine, it will be tricky to find him. Maybe there are somebody here at Anbytarforum that can find something using his birth date? Some parts of Sweden have all records digitalised and by using the birth date it is possible to go through everybody born in a certain area a specific date. For instance, some areas in the northern part of Sweden is very well covered [xxx]
However, I don´t know if there is something like [color=0000ff]that [xxx][/color] for the area near Stockholm. [color=0000ff][xxx] Some information, not allowed acoording to forum rules, removed by moderator][/color]  
That´s all I can think of. Don´t hesitate to ask more questions! There are  LOT of people here much more knowledgeable than me, a beginner in genealogy (but very enthusiastic)!