NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2009-08-11


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2009-08-11
Skrivet av: Gudrun Bjork skrivet 2004-10-01, 06:58
Relatives in Billings Montana?
I'm looking for relatives to my husbands anchestors. His grandfathers brother emigrated, probably around, 1900-1912 and his name was Johan Bjork.He emmigrated from Leksand,Sweden and He lived in Billings Montana and he had two children Georg Bjork and Anna-Lisa Berg. Georg bjork was born 1920 or maybe 1923 and lived in Billings. Anna-Lisa lived in Annheim Californien. Old papers in some wills have given me their names. I would be very grateful for all kind of help that can give us information about them and maybe find relatives still in life.
Gudrun björk