NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-11-17


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-11-17
Skrivet av: Gunilla Jansson skrivet 2002-11-21, 07:45
My name is Gunilla, I live in Stockholm the capital of Sweden. Im scarching for my fiances fathers mother, Hanna Dahl. I Would realy appreciate if you could help me.
All the information i have about Hanna is that she was born on the 13th of October 1887 Minnesota in the USA (Spooner?) Her maiden name was Hanna Mähler. I think that she was married to a man called Anton Dahl.
1922 on the 11 of February Hanna gave birth to my fiancers father, Douglas Dahl and adopted him her in Sweden. This is all the information Ican find in the Swedish arkive. This leavers me with a lot of questions. Where was Douglas born? Was he born on the boat from American to Sweden?
Was Hanna in Widdow? Did she go back to the USA?
What happened to her?
It would meen a alot to me and our family if you can find any information about Hanna Dahl in the USA.
Thant you! Best regards Gunilla