NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 2003-2010


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 2003-2010
Skrivet av: Ishbel Cormack skrivet 2003-08-28, 02:39
Lennart I have checked the site. Naturalization files after 1917 may contain the following information.
-surname and given name
-date and place of birth
-entry into Canada
-sometimes names of spouse and children
-original petition form for naturalization
-a Royal Canadian Mounted police report on the person
-oath of allegience
-possibly other documents
To obtain a file:
- You must use an Access to Information Form. This form is to be submitted by a Canadian citizen or someone living in Canada.
-fee of $5.00 Canadian funds
- proof the person has been dead 20 years(death record, obituary from a newspaper, photo of gravestone)
-surname,given name, date and place of birth
- # of naturalization certificate and the alphabetical series identifier plus the F suffix if the record is in French.
-specify if you want copies of the original documents.
Lennart do you have any friends or relatives in Canada that could get this file for you if it is the information what you want?