NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-09-10, 07:42
Hi Gunnar!  I saw your message and sent you a reply (can't access it) this point I will just check both, OK?!...after all, it is not that much difference as there weren't as many ships or passengers at that time of year anyway.  Now, if it had been June/July we'd be in for a big job!!
Yes I know Sue is just wonderful!  When I was looking for one of my ancestors trips in 1913 aboard the Corsican, I couldn't find drove me crazy (OK...crazier!!).  The family was sure they landed at Halifax.  Sue looked it up after my plead for help-and told me that the Corsican only landed in May at Quebec...and guess what?  I found them in mere minutes! (I should have thought of that-but in any case it was a good lesson about how facts can change over the years!).
Did Sue not suggest that a landing in December could have also been at the port of Quebec?  Just wondering as the USA would seem unlikely to me-not impossible but it would be the first time I would see that (they were destined to Alberta, Canada), you know?  
Well,I will get to it and be back to you, OK?  Don't worry about the file...I don't really need it in this instance.
Kind regards,