NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-09-04, 05:12
Hi Gunnar!  Hmmm...I certainly am willing to see what I can do to help you (I live in Canada)...
Just wondering about a few things.  
I tried checking the records of the first WW (just to see)and there is no John Fogelberg...?  In fact, there is only one Fogelberg and that is Henry.  Did you mean that he served in the Canadian forces for WW1?  I would think so based on your timeline noted above.  That is what you meant, yes?  There is a John Erikson (no Jonas)...but I cannot determine if it is your ancestor from the entry.
There are no records created for people leaving Canada so we would have to look to his arrival is the USA. How do you know that he went to the Chicago area?
You said that his nephew John in Lethbridge (Alberta) got a letter from him in 1934...does he still have it?  What did it say-about his life-any details at all?-and what does/did the postmark say?  Anything John Uno can recall may be of help too...perhaps he may have heard some things about the situation within the family.  
By the way, in my searching I have found a few 85-90 year young people...still sharp, witty and full of life (so it's no surprise)!  How wonderful for you to get the chance to meet him...did you speak with him about this...or can you?  
Since you mentioned that Hilda later remarried...did Jonas and Hilda obtain a legal divorce (pretty rare back then)?
Well I will try looking into a few things...I would appreciate your thoughts and insight about the questions/comments above. OK?!  