NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-28, 21:38
Anna-Karin Mattsson!  Hi!  It's been awhile...but I have found a little more information.  Even though the form 30A's listed the destination for Viktor and Per as Manitoba...I thought I should check the BC indexes for either-and Viktor was found in the death index.  I have the following information from that form:
Victor Matson was born May 5, 1898 in Silgansnas, Sweden. He passed away on May 17, 1976 at the Willowhaven Private Hospital on RR3, Nelson, British Columbia.  His occupation was mining-he was a hard rock miner for 35 years.  His parents are listed as Mats Person and Breta Anderson (Sweden).
He apparently was in the area (Nelson,BC) for one year...and in Canada for 52 years.  It also notes that he was in the province (BC) for 52 if he was originally destined to-and went to Manitoba, which it appears he did-then this must be a little off.  I wonder how long he was in his brother's.  Since Per (August) was not found in the BC indexes I think it likely that he remained in Manitoba (still looking into that).
He is noted as married and her name: Fru Maria Johnson....a clue for us?  I tried searching the index for her but no matches...however the records are only open to 1979 and if she passed after that...
The informant of his death was of no relation (as noted on the form)...likely a hospital representative as he appears to have been there during the last year of his life...the hospital address is noted as his place of residence.
I'll keep looking!
All the best,