NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-23, 02:38
Stefan (Sörensson)!!  Are you still there?!  I finally found the ship list for the Jonsson's and the Hjelte's!!  It was on the last potential microfilm reel-of course!!
The families both sailed aboard the SS Megatanic of the White Star Dominion line on March 30, 1912...departing from Liverpool and landing on April 7th at Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada!).    
Anna Hjelte (mis-spelt as Hjelle!) is noted as 26 years of age, and son Carl is 3. They are destined to Brownlee, Saskatchewan (just like you thought/said!) her husband (no name given).
She has $26 on her person.
Tomt. Olof is-55 years of age, Karin-57, Gustaf V.-19, Oskar E.-17, Maria-14, Augusta-11 and Frans R.-9
The family (collectively) has $500 on their person(s).  Olof is noted as a farmer/general labourer-and farming is noted as what he has done all his working life.  The Jonsson family is listed as destined to Copperville, Alberta. (not Castor-!?)
I have copied the manifest pages for you should you wish to have a copy for yourself...if you do then please just send me your mailing address privately.
I have some other news too!  I believe that I have found death certificates for Anna Hjelte and her husband...was his name Carl too (like his son?)...anyway I have requested copies to completely verify it-but am quite sure it is correct-at least for her.  The age at the time of death-makes a perfect match for her birth year (1885).  The Carl I found is too old to be her that is why I wondered if her husband was also named Carl..he would have been born approximately 1887...does this make sense to you?!  I will let you know as soon as I receive them.
I think that I told you already (maybe not!?!) but I cannot trace the Andersson's trip from the USA (Minnesota)...if they indeed entered into Canada in the year that you supposed (estimated?!)-of 1902.  I did check into it but the border entry records which I believe I did mention were not used before 1908...sorry!  Perhaps they may have ended up around the Jonsson's...or the Hjelte's?  Any thoughts on that?  I could try city directories...but border entries for destination details ( and more) is out!
Well it has been awhile.  I hope that you get this...and I will hear back from you soon!
Kind regards,