NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-20, 21:22
Pernilla!  No more phone checks to report...BUT I did try something else which may have found him!  I found two local on line classifieds-for Creston and Nelson.
I posted a searching for on each site...and today I got an e-mail from a lady (Shelley). It said that she had the pleasure of personally caring for Algot in the Mount St. Francis Hospital a few years ago...and that he had passed away.  She was sure that his daughter was in the area (at that time at least) but she couldn't recall her name.  She was going to ask associates at the hospital and get back to me...
I sent her a thank you...with a few questions attached and I hope she replies soon.
After I got the message I searched for the hospital location (it took abit to find!)...and it was (is!) in Nelson, BC.  Therefore I REALLY think now that the Elme Kathrina Anderson I found is the right person (Axel's wife Alma)...looks like she moved to Nelson sometime after Axel's death.
I have inquired to the Creston historical and town site about the family and any records that might exist of their many years there (trace the sisters to Algot?!)...small communities like that-maybe we'll even find someone who knew them/can share memories/provide more facts!
Well as it looks from your note like you'll be on holidays (yes?!)...have a nice time-and I will post any additional findings in the meantime!
All the best!