NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-12, 05:23
Hi Ishbel!  Thanks for the suggestion/offer!  There are city directories for many provinces and years here...but I do know that the one reference library that keeps them here in Toronto certainly doesn't have as complete a collection for BC- as would be there in BC!!  As I recall it (the collection) is rather fragmented.
I haven't visited that library recently...most trips have been to the other one that has the immigration records/ship lists/census returns.
I will be going there before two months (much sooner!)-but should I not find what is needed you kind offer would be...fantastic!!  Thanks...
I have started to check the ship lists for Johan August Andersson/August John Landeen...but haven't found him yet.  Which reminds me of a question (or two!!) based on your first note.  You mentioned that another contact had a relative on that ship...what is the full name of that traveller?  Do you know...can you find out?  Did this contact say the trip was also in 1876,1877?  Where did you get the year(s) that you provided for Johan?
Well, thanks again...and I hope to hear from you soon!!