NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-10, 08:19
Arne Larsson...hi!  I have checked for Vessle Olsson and could not find him in the microfilm records (form 30A's)-and if he indeed emigrated to Canada as of March 21, 1924-he SHOULD be there!! No-one was exempt from filling out one of these forms-even children had to have a separate form (prepared by their parent/guardian of course!)...
I sent you a message last week...and am still hoping to hear from you to learn if in fact this was his full and proper name.  Please reply as soon as you can.
Also, where did you get his emigration date from?  Church records, the Emigranten CD...???
Whatever the source...did it in fact specify that he was destined to Canada?