NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Pernilla Bollman skrivet 2000-07-07, 09:17
Hi Donna,  
I did mail you privately a couple of days ago, just to let you know that I was aware about your computer troubles. I didn't know that I might have a mail problem. All I know is that they are working on the university server (or something) each thursday night, and that this can cause some problems with recieving mail.  
Anyway, Johan Petter left Långsele (Y) for N.America April 1st 1910 and came back on Nov 11th 1914. He was born on May 1st 1865. Next to kin should be his wife Kristina Margaretha Arnqvist.
Did you recieve my new information about Alma Katharina (not Kristina) ? She was born in 1877, in Ramsele (Y). The reason why I could not find her at first, in the 1890 census, was that I was focusing on her mother. But Anna Petronella died in 1884. I only recently found this out.
Looking forward to hearing from you again,
Best regards, Pernilla