NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-07-07, 05:32
Hi Barbro!  Donna here.  Today I found the immigration/passenger list for your ancestor Bror Sigurd Isidor Söderlund!!
I was at the reference library continuing to look for a few lists (elusive so far!)...and found his listing quite easily!  
The records for 1925-1935-are noted as the Canadian Immigration Service/Immigration Return.  These records include the ship details too.
Sigurd travelled aboard the SS Stockholm which sailed from Gothenburg on June 16,1928.  He landed at Halifax,Canada on June 24, 1928.
He was 32 years of age and his place and country of birth were noted as Sweden-Romfartuna.  He was noted as a farm laborer.  He was NOT shown as destined to Manitoba...but was listed as destined to a friend named Elias Johnson, c/o Border Co. in Ontario.  There was another passenger noted to the same friend...named Olaus Persson from Jarfsö (probably meant Jårvsö!) you know who this is/was?  
Sigurd's was noted as married and he listed his nearest relative in country from whence he came as Anna Söderlund (wife) and her address as Bondarv, Järvsö.  His passport information was noted as:  Passport number 354, issued May 15, 1928, Gävle.  He had $50 on his person and was travelling inland via the CNR (Canadian National Railway).
Isn't that fabulous?!!!  I made two copies of the actual record for you and if you send me your mailing address (privately) than I will gladly post them to you.
Also now that we know where he went...initially at least(!) we can continue the search from there.
Oh I just get such a thrill out of finding these things!!...especially since I am here and can access the records that are available quite easily.  I know how much I enjoyed finding the records for my ancestors that I know of (the search continues!)....
Well I hope to have more good news for you (and others!) very soon....please let me know what you think!!
Best regards,