NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Ishbel Cormack skrivet 2000-04-30, 19:01
Bibi: I am going to Winnipeg in two weeks and will be there for about 4 days. If I have time I would have easy access to city directories which list the people over 18 living at an address.You can follow them and if the name disapears you can check the newspaper(Winnipeg Free Press) for death obituaries etc.There are copies of the paper on film going back many years.We also have some old Manitoba papers on film at our University library
here in Calgary.
I could make some phone calls if you want me to.
Did Olof Nordin take land soon after he settled in Winnipeg? He may have taken land through the government. If he did he would be the first owner and called a homesteader. These people got land and had to clear and plant a certain amount in three years. They also had to build a house in that time and live on the property most of the time. These homestead records are available on film or sometimes the provincial archives will copy them for you for a reasonable cost.I have some homestead records from Saskatchewan.  
Please be as specific as you can about what you would like me to do. e mail if that would suit you and I will reply.