NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-02-17


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-02-17
Skrivet av: Elisabeth Thorsell skrivet 2002-07-16, 14:40
Hi Cliff,
Unfortunately it is not likely that there will still be a gravestone for Lars in Svanshals, as there are very few stones of that age still around. But do visit the little church and try to imagine the area in those days. It is a nice farming area.
The records for Svanshals and the whole area are kept in the Landsarkivet (Provincial archive) in the nearby town of Vadstena. The archive is in the huge castle by the harbor, and you really must visit this quaint little town. In the castle yard is the local Tourist office, where they have English-speaking staff, who can recommend what places to visit.