NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 28.3.2001


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 28.3.2001
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-05-04, 22:03
Hi.  Looking for any possible info on my grandfather.  His name was Gustaf Edvin Bernhard Furuhem (formerly Samuelsson).  
Gustaf was born in Lida, Långasjö on November 27, 1905.  He was in Canada between the years 1924-1946.  When he returned to Sweden he married Berta Johanna Maria Furuhem (formerly Vallin)on September 25, 1948.  
The couple evntually settled in EKEBY parish, Boxholm, district of Östergötland.  Gustaf passed away on January 13,1993.  
His exact address was:
Bjursdalsvägen 6 A 590 10 BOXHOLM
He was predeceased by his wife Berta on January 1, 1975.(same address)
Therefore I believe that Gustaf must have lived in Boxholm (Ekeby parish) from (at least)1975 until his own passing in 1993...and I think it is probably more likely that it was longer-unless of course Berta passed away right after they arrived-don't know for sure but....
From the site I found for does not seem to be too big.  The largest parish noted was Ekeby with 3892 people as of December 21, 1999.
(The other four were substantially smaller numbers).
Can anyone tell me anything about Gustaf (and Berta)?  I would love to know where(and how?!)to check and track down an obituary for both...or information from anyone that may have actually known him for the many years he lived there.
Thank you!