NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 02 november, 2015


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 02 november, 2015
Skrivet av: Martha Anderson skrivet 2015-10-20, 00:19
I'm still missing some pieces of the family's history. My second cousin and I are working on it.  
The first record I have of Louisa is from Minnesota, where she was living with Per Erik/Peter E Peterson in Cosmos, Meeker County. She died there in 1910. Peter lived until 1925. I've only been able to find records for two of his children, but there were several more. I'm still looking for more information about his half brother, John, who lived with Peter's family on and off it seems and appears as both Fredrickson and Peterson in the records. Although he was widowed, I can't find records. There were many people with similar names!
Louisa, who seems to have gone by Louise Peterson, may have been living in Michigan before she went to Minnesota. My great grandfather, August Peterson lived in Ishpeming, Michigan, and died there in 1897. His wife (Carolina Persdotter from Kyrkviken) and her two daughters moved to Virginia, Minnesota. Carolina lived with my grandparents until her death in 1945. Fred Peterson settled nearby in Eveleth, Minnesota by 1900. He had two wives and five children and died in 1928.
Carl F Fredrickson is still a bit of a mystery. A family search tree has him dying in San Francisco, California but has the name Persson attached to him. I have records for a Charles F Fredrickson of the right age in Sherburne, Minnesota, but I'm uncertain if he's the right person. I don't remember my father mentioning him. I now have his immigration date, so that may help.
I will be sure to add your information to my tree! I visited my Swedish relatives fifty years ago when I was only 16. I hope to return one day soon.