NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-02-22


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-02-22
Skrivet av: Jan Åke Sandberg skrivet 2002-10-19, 17:37
Joe van Wassenhowe
Trying to answer your questions:
The name was Ros, not Roos, and he was probably given that name whe he became a soldier (during such a late time, maybe they could wish but the descesion was taken of the captain of the company).  You probably know that ros is just rose!
During that late time the children use to keep the  soldiers name but it was very common that they use both the patronymic and the soldiers name.
No, I am sorry, I have no further information about the wife/mother Maria Elisabet.  You have to look in the books for another parish and it is not possible on internet, but the archives.  I can try it but you have to wait for a couple of days.
No 146 is just his number and do not expect to find any additional information, it is just a number.  As you can see from information you got from another researcher Axvall was not a battlefield, just an exercise field.
You must try Varv and under that you can fins Torfvagården (modern spelling Torvegården, named probably after a farmer Törffwa who lived around 1570)
I understand that you were a little confused about my first information, I mixed it all up. Gustaf Svensson Ros, who was a crofter and never a soldier,  father was Sven Håkansson Ros who was a soldier, born 1810 and died 1840.  I am sorry.
Gustaf Svensson Ros wife Maria Elisabet Johansdotter was born in the parish of Dimbo which is situated next south of Varv.
I can have your e-mail address I will try to send you more information.
Jan Sandberg