NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-30


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-30
Skrivet av: Åke Tilander skrivet 2000-10-20, 21:04
Dear Mr. Stark,
I have little information to add to yours, but I have a few more things concerning Sven Andersson Stark.
First of all his name before he became a soldier was without doubt Sven Andersson that is his fathers name was Anders.
I find the following information about him in the book Den indelta arm?n i Vartofta härad [The swedish army in Vartofta county] by Rolf Alnefelt, 1974, p 290.
The information in this book is mainly based on the swedish military registery. (generalmönsterrullor)
Sven Andersson Stark, born around 1788 in Västergötland, admitted to military service at 1809-03-29. Before that he had been a vagerings-man. He took part in the war against Napoleon 1813-1814. Died on 1830-03-13 at the soldiers home (torpet) of serious fever which lasted for a long time.
My comments:
First of all the year of birth 1788 is a bit unreliable. The soldiers often wanted to appear to be younger then they actually were in order to be able to stay in service for a longer time.
Västergötland that?s a county in Sweden. In the beginning it was registered in which county the soldiers were born not in which parish.
Vagerings-man For each soldier there was another man, not actually trained as a soldier, who could take his place if the soldier was killed in a war or was old and not any longer fit for service. Often you first became a vagerings-man and a part of the military system, and then later an actual soldier.
He was a member of Kungliga Skaraborgs Regemente that is Royal Skaraborgs Regimente and Vartofta kompani.
The number of the rote was 461 and the name of the homestead Gullerstorp. The buildings are torn down, but the number shield is preserved and in the ownership of a private person, Arne Sandberg in Gullerstorp.
With the help of the following coordinates X4360 Y7985 you can find the location of the homestead on the map Gröna Kartan Ulricehamn 7D NO
You can bay the map directely online at: