NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014
Skrivet av: Björn Sonesson skrivet 2014-06-03, 08:35
Well Eric,  
I guess you have tried already with Karin's mail? [] (This adress I get by clicking on her name from discuss in 2006.) Karin Mattsson is a rather usual name combination in Sweden, so I can not use any Index (see above) without more info.
I was almsot sure that the very active member of Anbytarforum Mr Per Göthe was an older man. Now Per Göthe is an unusual name combination so I can go to an Index made on CD; I'm afraid that he has deceased and is the very same man as this man in Swedish Death Index 1901-2009.  
Göthe, Per Artur
Myrbovägen 4, Fagersta
Dead 7/28/2009.
Registered in Västanfors-Västervåla, Fagersta kn (Västmanlands län, Västmanland).
Born 4/11/1920 in Västervåla (Västmanlands län, Västmanland).
Married man (8/21/1943).
Parish of birth in the records:
Västervåla (Västmanland)
Source records:
FK 09 / man91
Yours sincerely, Björn Sonesson
I really hope someone else can help you more!  
Sorry, I had either deeper knowledge or family connections in the parish you zre doing research in. DS