NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-01-21


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-01-21
Skrivet av: Al Neilson skrivet 2004-01-15, 10:44
I wonder whether some kind person can look up the household registers for my great, great aunt, Augusta Ottilia Nilsson (born 8 November, 1862 in S:t Olai), who moved from S:t Olai to Stockholm in 1884.
In the 1890 census she is in the parish of Adolf Fredriks at Astraea N:o 3, her occupation was former shopkeeper.
I believe that she emmigrated to Canada in 1894.
Any assistance would be welcome!
Al Neilson from Wirral, England