NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2007-05-13


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2007-05-13
Skrivet av: Inge Ledje skrivet 2006-12-20, 14:06
Hi Carolyn,
I now have Historik över Bråbygden in my hands and it is an impressive work. For everybody who has tried to investigate who lived in a village in Småland it is hard to understand that one man has been able to do what Veine Sjöö has done for the villages in Kristdala, i.e. Åsjögle, Höckhult, Träthult and Fallebo in his earlier books, and now Bjälebo, Bråbo, Bråhult, Saxtorp and others.  
I think that this is a book that everybody with interest in Kristdala has to have in his library.
Besides all the personal history for all the farms in Bråbygden it also gives a good picture of a broader history of the area and how the relations are between families. To understand this part, you have of course to be able to read Swedish, but to follow the personal history it might be enough to have a great interest in genealogy.
Veines address is:
Veine Sjöö
Åskögle Blixtorp 1
57091 Kristdala
The cost is 310 skr plus postal cost.