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Titel: Sölvesborg
Skrivet av: Carl Wolf skrivet 2015-07-10, 16:10
Hi David, the record of the widow Sissa Nilsdotter that Kristina found (Mjällby AI:1 (1804-1814) Bild 1210 / sid 164 (AID: v96406a.b1210.s164, NAD: SE/LLA/13269) ) is a communion log and according to page 93 that section of the log covers the period 1809-1814.  Two lines below Sissa there is a Nils, age 8 3/4; since this record was started in 1809 he would have been born in 1800 and could likely be the child born in Sölvesborg in 1800.  During that time period it was a crime to have sex outside of marriage and the birth of an illegitimate child would be evidence of that crime.  There would usually be a court record in a set of logs called Dombok, unfortunately ArkivDigital does not have any of these logs from 1800 or 1801 for Listers Härad, of which Mjällby was a part.  They are available on microfilm at a Family History Center though you should be aware that they are often difficult to read especially if you don't know much Swedish.  However, these records often list the name of the child's father.
Domböcker, 1663-1850
Authors:Sverige. Häradsrätt (Lister) (Main Author)
Format: Manuscript/Manuscript on Film
Language: Swedish
Publication: Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmat för the Genealogical Society of Utah av Rekolid, 1956
Physical: 154 mikrofilmspolar ; 35 mm.
Protokoll 1800, v. AI/44 Granite Mountain Record Vault International Film Film #86822  
Protokoll 1801, v. AI/1 Granite Mountain Record Vault International Film Film #86823  
The woman (and often man) would usually have to pay a fine to the church.  Record of these fines would be found in the Kyrkliga Räkenskaper, which are in the Swedish Church Records collection at  In the Mjällby Räkenskaper for 1792-1814 on Image 151 there is a record of hustru Sissa Nilsdotter from Hörby who (I think during 1801) page a fine of 32 (I'm not sure of the denomination, it was probably either Risksdaler or Krona).  There's also a Bengt Persson from Hörby on the preceding page who might have paid a fine and could be the father.