NULL Skriv ut sidan - Sölvesborg


Titel: Sölvesborg
Skrivet av: Leif Lundkvist skrivet 2015-07-07, 19:13
Hi David,
The birth record say: Augusti den 25:te, Måndag, föddes i ett Båtmanshus under n:r 2 i Sölfwe By, klockan 8 förmiddagen afskedade Båtsmannen Christjan Berndtsson och dess hustru Sissa Nilsdotters son, som döptes därstädes Tisdagen den 26:te ejusdem, ??? till namn Nils. However the underscored words are later crossed over, the fathers name changed to Bengt and her title to pigan, maid. The child was oäkta, i.e. his parents were not married.
In Mjällby AI:2 Nils is first found om page 265, probably together with his mother, but she has a title I don't understand. It say he arrived from S(ölves)borg 1815, but his mother seems to have been there before. Already 1815 he moves to page 261 and is dräng, i.e. he was working for his support. 1817 he moves to page 249 and happens to be just below Bengt Nilsson. However, it don't say they are father and son, both are Dräng. I can't read where Nils moves from there.