NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - birth record discrepancy


Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - birth record discrepancy
Skrivet av: Ingemar Skarpås skrivet 2024-03-26, 15:14
Hi Tom,

There can be a lot of mistakes being done, and I can try to find out the errors and possible explanations. If there are line number or one can count down to which line to refer to, that is the best way.

In your case I suggest you give info a of a bit later - the 1-3 household last earliest household records you have. Since I do only use the Swedish Archive (not using ArkivDigital) I need parish, AI-like syntax, between years x-y and the page number as handwritten, printed or stamped and line nr.

With time they changed the layouts of the books for a group of parishes, often within a Bishops seat, so what is in each column differs, and sometimes a column is used for other purposes than intended.

The lastname convention was patronymicon, the father´s firstname + genetiv/possession "s" and "son" and if the father´s firstname ended with an "s" we do not add possession "s", and even into the last part of 1800-reds you see the reverend or this clerk spell the parts as separate words, and also with a capital S for beginning of the word son. Like Pers Son and later PersSon before it became Persson. Also many male and female firstnames had a lot of similar shorts, and even shorts of shorts, and they were used intermixed rather as the reverend or clerk preferred himself. You also see the same male using patronymicon like Johansson as well as a family name, sometime only family name and sometimes the patronymicon. Familyname could be related to profession, but much lesser than in English, military names - assigned by the "rote"/croft name - group of people supporting a soldier - or assigned by officers - sometimes as nicknames. These were often later on used by the next soldier on the same croft, but no relation to the former...beware...

I be glad to assist you in explaining things...I have done quite a few for Americans...
