NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - birth record discrepancy


Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - birth record discrepancy
Skrivet av: Leif Lundkvist skrivet 2024-03-26, 01:41
At those times the records were recorded manually and often got errors. As a researcher you can often explain how those errors have happened, but far from always. In this case the fathers name is obviously not correct in the birth record, I find no easy explanation. On the other hand the birth date seems to be wrong even in the first household examination, based on the fact that the birth record is recorded before the next child (born 10/3 on the next page) and that the date of the christening must also be wrong. Once the wrong birth date is recorded in an household examination it will be copied to the next volume, and you very seldom se it corrected, and it is more common that it has another future error.