NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents


Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-16, 20:17
I don't think there is a way to search at Riksarkivet, I just linked to that site because I didn't know you have Arkiv Digital. I use AD for searching, together with a lot of paging through books.
The tax records (mantal) is not possible to search. All you can do is type in the parish name and year. The farms mostly come in the same order year after year though, so when you find the right place once you know roughly where to look. Also, in those later years the farms and villages often come in alphabetical order.
So, I knew what place Samuel was from and he married in 1790 so I looked there and found him. And he was gone in the 1791 tax records so that indicates it was the right Samuel.