NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Reading a record from the 1710 Generalmönsterrullor


Titel: SV: Reading a record from the 1710 Generalmönsterrullor
Skrivet av: Kevin Casey skrivet 2024-02-24, 11:27
Excellent, Kalle! Thank you very much!

Warit tillförende soldat
under detta Regementet
wijd hans Kong: Maijsts. Ar-
mee i Påhlen, och sedermera
wijd Regementetz upprättande
åhr 1709 i December blifwit
antagen till Prophoss
Been before a soldier
in this Regiment
at his Majestys army
in Poland, and later
at the Regiments reconstruction(?)
year 1709 in December been
accepted as Provost