NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Fyhr Gustaf Hjalmar f. 1892 St Åby Östergötland


Titel: SV: Fyhr Gustaf Hjalmar f. 1892 St Åby Östergötland
Skrivet av: Jesper Brodd skrivet 2022-04-07, 15:53
Hello Everyone,

I am Gustav Fhyr's great grandson. He was my mother's mother's father. My mother remembers him well. My grandmother was Ingrid (Fhyr) Kiesling. She died in January 1984, when I was only 6 years old, but I do remember her. I live in Sayville, NY., actually quite close to the cemetery where Gustav and Elsie Fhyr are buried. I am amazed I found this thread in Swedish!  Perhaps we are distant cousins.


Hello John!
You are a distant relative to my wife. You could contact me on if you want more information