NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Holmgren Family in Hummelholm


Titel: SV: Holmgren Family in Hummelholm
Skrivet av: Staffan Bergh skrivet 2022-02-21, 22:31
Answers to some of the questions -- I'll have a look at Eva Margareta in the next few days ...
/.../ taking a DNA test, but how would it confirm that Anders is the father to Anders August since there are no samples from them? /.../

A Y-DNA test -- the Y chromosome is passed from father to son, unchanged. So, under the hypothesis that the coppersmith journeyman Anders Holmgren fathered Anders August, and given that you are a direct male descendant of Anders August, you have a Y chromosome that is identical to the one Anders got from his father Johan Nathanaelsson Holmgren, who in his turn inherited it from Nathanael Andersson. And anyone that is a direct male descendant from one of Johan Holmgrens brothers will also have a copy of the same Y chromosome. More info: Genealogical DNA test @ Wikipedia (

/.../ home was in Luståker? Is that a farm/area?

Luståker was, it appears, a small farm, settled only just around the time Eva Margareta was born. There are still houses there, but it's difficult to tell from satellite images if they are used as summer houses, or year round. But the land is still owned by a direct descendant of Anders  Gustav Andersson, Eva Margaretas father, one of your distant cousins -- and they live not far from there. I'll send a PM to you with an address, after I have checked some things.

I wonder why Johan (1807) took the name Holmgren.

Because he wanted a name? :) It was fairly common in the area that people had what we today call last names -- his father-in-law used the name Rönsten, for instance. Maybe this is a sign of flux in the population -- settlers moving in -- and in contrast to more "traditional" areas, where patronymic names was the rule. At least, that is the feeling I get when looking at the church books. Name laws at the time allowed anyone to just declare that they wanted to be called something/anything (almost). Quite commonly the name taken had some sort of connection to their history, or where they came from -- the name "Holmgren" may in part refer to Hummelholm, but we will probably never know.

I'm also trying to find more out about Hummelholm, as it seems very rural.

Part of Hummelholm is a nature reserve now -- and the village has a home page: It's almost all in Swedish -- you'll have to use Google Translate ( on it ...