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Titel: SV: Holmgren Family in Hummelholm
Skrivet av: Samuel Holmgren skrivet 2022-02-20, 16:22
Hello, Staffan!

I really appreciate your detailed response. Lots of information in your message. That's more than what I have found in a few years here!

First, I noticed you called him Anders Gustav, and not August. Maybe August was just his American version?

Secondly, I should have mentioned that he was born out of wedlock, and that while there are no records proving that Anders Holmgren (1839-1889) was his father, all of the fingers are pointing at him. When August Gustav (1866) immigrated to the US, he lists his father as "Anders Holmgren". Last I checked with a Swedish genealogist, they mentioned that there could have only been one Anders Holmgren in that area, who could have been his father. It was mentioned that he visited Bjurholm often, where Eva Margareta Andersdotter worked as a maid. You'll notice in August Gustav's baptism, that Erik Holmgren (Anders Holmgren's brother) was also a witness there.

From what I gathered, and which I understand might not be accurate, is that Anders Holmgren had a lot of children with different women.

Let me know what your thoughts are.

How were you able to find so much information on them moving around? Like, how Anders Gustav was born in his mother's home in Bjurholm? I must have misunderstood that he was born in Ledåberg.

My apologies for posting in the wrong category. I just created an account and didn't know where to start.

I really appreciate your help, and I hope we can continue to discuss and uncover this. It has been a mystery for my family for a long time. Living in the US, we know very little about what went on in the Homeland :)
