NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with Annerstad household record


Titel: SV: Need help with Annerstad household record
Skrivet av: Yvonne Stenberg skrivet 2020-11-14, 22:12

That seems to be a tough one: Sergiant - the Regiment adjutant Carl Lillie has been transferred to Wäsbo härad's company on 14th of January 1740. Instead came here från the same position and company, same date, Bengt Silfversverd, who was promoted on 30th of May 1741 to fältväbel (sergiant major?) at the Major's company. Instead came here, advancing from the position of förare (fourier?) at Wasbo company the same day Johan Dohmäij who on the 20th of January 1742 was transferred to the aforesaid Wäsbo company and the position of sergiant, again here instead has been promoted on the same date from the position of förare at the Lieutenant Colonel company - Petter Ahnström - 29 (years old), (been in service) 1 ½ (year), Smål(änning, birth place). Ill at home".

His position as förare at överstelöjtnantens compagnie you can see here:

Generalmönsterrullor - Jönköpings regemente (F) 373a (1742) Bild 59 (AID: v50310.b59, NAD: SE/KrA/0023) (

It does not say where he came from before that. Nor does it say what happened after 1744. So I looked for inventories again, and I think I found him:

Tveta häradsrätt (F) FII:4 (1756-1760) Bild 219 / sid 425 (AID: v77824.b219.s425, NAD: SE/VALA/01593) (

He seems to have died in Roestorp in Svarttorp parish 1757! Hopefully you can follow his family from there.

So now we only miss Christian....
