NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with words on 1727 tax record in Vrå


Titel: SV: Need help with words on 1727 tax record in Vrå
Skrivet av: Victoria Cihla skrivet 2020-09-08, 00:14
Oh, I have a lot to learn, especially understanding how the properties divided, etc. and how the multiple families can live on the same property. I was looking at the naming and figured that, since we know that, Jon Trottesson owned property there, that Trotte Jonsson would likely be his son.  And the tax records for for 1693 and 1695 show a Jöns and wife with both a Hans and a Gudmund.  I thought maybe they were the sons of Jöns Jönsson (Hans named after his father's father) and Gudmund (?).  But, there are so many things to consider and I just don't have enough understanding yet.

I really appreciate your help,
