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Titel: SV: Erik Petersson and Karolina Nilsdotter
Skrivet av: KG Hammarlund skrivet 2020-04-21, 13:04
Second column is the registry numbers and names of the estates/allotments. Third column the buyer, fourth column the seller, followed by the date for issuing the title deed and other remarks. So:

Img. 1, No 36: L. G. Bål and Ingrid Stina Petersson buy a part (35,000 square meters) of Toremåla 2. Price: 120 SEK.This part is given the registry number 2:15.

Documents in the National Survey Authority's archive give more information:

the new allotment (35,000 square meters) was part of a bog - in other words, not the best arable land. The price was SEK 120.

Img. 1, No. 37/38: Karl Oskar Larsson and his wife Alma Larsson buy the greater part of Torehult 2from Erik and Karolina. Erik and Karolina kept a part that was parcelled off and given the registry number Torehult 2:16.

Again, there are documents in the National Survey Authority's archive:

The size of the parcelled Torehult 2:16, kept by Erik and Karolina, was 9.067 square meters. Karl Oskar and Alma paid 4.100 SEK for the rest of Torehult 2.

What's the worth of the sums today? See

Img. 2 Erik and Karolina sell Torehult 2:10 (also called Oxellund No. 1) to Erik Magnusson and Amanda Petersson. For some obscure reason the title deed wasn't issued until 1932, although the deal dates back to 1903. So no, Erik is not selling his home (Torehult 2:16) in 1932.
See also: