NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Translation help


Titel: SV: Translation help
Skrivet av: Don Kaiser skrivet 2020-01-28, 04:33
I really have to tell you both how much I appreciate your help and your patience with me in trying to decipher these old records. I have to yield to your experience and expertise with both the language and the records, but I have to confess it's a little disconcerting when all of the facts are not right even though at the same time, I realize that's frequently the case with these kinds of records.

Would a complete translation of all the information available in the Bergsbyn record be too much to ask for?

It looks like whoever was tasked with writing down Carl Rönlund's middle name Ephraim, just wrote a line?  That's probably what I would have done too!