NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Looking for help to find John Henry Rosenquist


Titel: SV: Looking for help to find John Henry Rosenquist
Skrivet av: ulla hadar skrivet 2019-08-10, 15:24
Hi Anita
Thank you so much for the pages you send, amazing you found this so quickly I have spend the last ten days looking through so many pages and it is very difficult for me to decipher the writings. Although I have not yet understood how Johan Peter turned into Rosenquist when his father was a Bengtson?? Also how do you show that Christina Maria Carlson, Johan Peter and Johan Henrik Rosenquist are connected. I have not established any birth record for Johan Henrik or the marriage between the parents. I have had a feeling all along that there was something in the family like a crime, prison or parting of the family. If you have more entries to help me out. Very much appreciated. A big thank you Ulla