NULL Skriv ut sidan - Ellis Island 1913


Titel: Ellis Island 1913
Skrivet av: Lina Libell skrivet 2013-11-18, 12:07
Den bit du klippt in är från passagerarlistans andra sida och svaren i de olika kolumnerna betyder:
Whether has ticket to final destination: yes
Ticket payed by: self
Whether in possession of $50, or if less how much: $25
Whether ever before in United States: no
Whether going to join relative or friend and their adress: friend Mr. Per Lindblad, Box 730 Two Harbors, Minn[esota]
Whether ever in prison or treated for alcoholism: no
Whether polygamist: no
Whether anarchist: no
Whether offered or promised labor in the United States: no [invandrade fick inte lockas till USA med löfte om anställning]
General state of health: good
Deformed or crippled: no
Height: 5 foot 10 inches [dvs 175 cm]
Complexion: ...... [kan inte tyda]
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Distinguishing marks: none
Place of birth: Torsås